by Faith Rund
Directed by Faith Rund
A Perilous Night for Riding, written by Faith Rund, is a quirky, comedic, and dramatic mystery. A stranger is riding through town one night when it begins to storm. He seeks refuge in a mansion owned by the wealthy Hughes family. Things take a turn for the worst when the eldest daughter is kidnapped. The story gets more intense when somebody is murdered. The stranger finds himself stuck in a mansion with a kidnapper, a murderer, and a family full of secrets. 
An MTA premier! Playwright, Faith Rund, directs the premier production of her original murder mystery, comedy, A Perilous Night for Riding. The Monticello High School Thespians will perform this original play at MTA January 5th and 6th at 7:30pm. Be sure to attend the premier production, and SAVE YOUR PROGRAM! You will be able to say, "I saw it first at MTA!"
Ticket sales will be shared with the MHS Thespians Club for new sound equipment at the high school. 

Cast of Characters

Piper King
NORMAN J. SIMS....................................................................
Nick Wolter
Payne Nowlin
Isabel Pellum
Danielle Cafin
PEARL HUGHES......................................................................
Maggie Schlabach
Sophie Rund
Aiden Olsen
ETTA HUGHES.........................................................................
Haley Baker
CLARA HUGHES......................................................................
Annie Clifton
CHESTER HUGHES................................................................
Preston Nowlin
Abby King
Blake Johnson
POLICE OFFICERS.................................................................
Grace Burnsmier
Mackenzie Daniels

Production Staff

DIRECTOR.................................................................................. Faith Rund
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR............................................................. Jack Knittle
STAGE MANAGERS...................................................................
Grace Bailey
Olivia Bales 
RUN CREW.................................................................................
Brandun Burton
Sarah Hissong
Ben Keating 
Claire Keating 
Kendall McFarlin
Kat Primmer
Lewis Smith
Nick Timmons
Macy Vogt
HAIR/MAKE-UP ARTIST.............................................................
Maya Kaczor
PROPS MASTERS.....................................................................
Grace Bailey
Kaitlyn Heistand
LIGHT BOARD OPERATOR.......................................................
Nick Timmons
SOUND BOARD OPERATOR..................................................... Grace O'Brien
HOUSE MANAGER.................................................................... Kaitlyn Heistand