by John Patrick
Directed by Gil Yohnka
"The Curious Savage" is set in the living room of The Cloisters, a sanitarium in a small town in rural Massachusetts.
The residents of The Cloisters each have their own unique personality quirks and enjoy their simple daily routine.  That is until they are joined by Mrs. Savage, who has been involuntarily committed by her greedy step children in an effort to keep her from “wasting” their deceased father’s inheritance.  The comedy continues to unfold when the children return after realizing they were too late.  What has their step-mother done with the money?  Discover who the real family is.

Cast of Characters

ETHEL SAVAGE.................... Marisa Winegar
FAIRY MAY............................ Chelsea Mueller
JEFFREY............................... Jeremy Boehme
FLORENCE........................... Susan Zielke
HANNIBAL............................ David Laker
MRS. PADDY......................... Diane Prichard
MISS. WILHELMINA............. Chelsea Ehrhardt
DR. EMMETT........................ Chris Harris
TITUS.................................... Larry Stephens
LILLY BELLE......................... Susan Sheahan
SAMUEL................................ Steve Wadleigh

Production Staff

DIRECTOR................................................................................. Brad "Gil" Yohnka
COSTUME DESIGNER..............................................................
Nena Richards
HOUSE MANAGER.................................................................... Peg Yohnka
PROPS MASTER....................................................................... Tracy Wiltgen
SET DESIGN.............................................................................. Carrie Brocksmith
SET CONSTRUCTION...............................................................
Jeremy Boehme
Carrie Brocksmith
Steve Brocksmith
Dave Ehrhardt
David Lanker
Chelsea Mueller
Lana Ross
Ian Stephens
Larry Stephens
Marisa Winegar
Summer Winegar
Gil Yohnka
Peg Yohnka
LIGHT & SOUND BOARD OPERATORS...................................
Rodney Burris
Payne Nowlin
Preston Nowlin
TICKETS MANAGER................................................................. Lana Ross
PLAYBILL/POSTER................................................................... the Nowlin Group
PUBLICITY MANAGER.............................................................. Gil Yohnka